To start your compose project, simply run the Docker Compose
command using
-p mailu
flag for project name.
cd /mailu
docker-compose -p mailu up -d
Before you can use Mailu, you must create the primary administrator user account. This should be
[email protected]. Use the following command, changing PASSWORD to your liking:
docker-compose -p mailu exec admin flask mailu admin admin 你的根域名 PASSWORD
Login to the admin interface to change the password for a safe one, at one of the hostnames 你的域名/admin. Also, choose the “Update password” option in the left menu.
1、将docker-compose.yml中的admin的镜像替换成 scjtqs/mailu-admin:latest 可以完成后台管理的汉化。
2、将docker-compose.yml中的front服务的镜像 替换成 scjtqs/mailu-nginx:latest 即可替换成dnspod接口的dns方式验证获取和更新证书。